Your Trusted Ally in the Courtroom
Helping Clients Navigate Their Litigation Needs
Exceptional Legal Expertise and Personal Attention
Solomon Cramer & Summit LLP is a boutique business litigation firm.
Who are we? We are devoted to the practice of law, committed to the interests of our clients and the profession, and driven to the achievement of excellence and just results for those whom we represent.
Who are our clients? We represent individuals, families, family wealth offices, small businesses, banks, and public companies. They come to us from referrals by other attorneys and existing clients. That’s how we know we are doing a good job and providing great value.
How do we bill? We bill based on hourly rates and time spent, but at significantly lower rates per hour than when we worked at larger law firms. We do not bill clients for general overhead expenses.
What areas of law? We are commercial and white collar litigators. It is easier to say what we do not do: no patent or divorce cases. That leaves a lot of ground to cover. We have extensive experience in SEC, FINRA, and civil regulatory matters, white collar crime, business disputes between partners, cases against public audit firms, employment disputes, broker fee disputes, complex foreclosure and loan enforcement, contracts, and business tort cases. We also do a little corporate work on the side, but only for existing clients.
Where do we practice? We have a national practice. Our recent cases have been in California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Texas, and Washington, D.C.